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Life Update

I woke up this morning to a chilling room, classes cancelled, and not a single snowflake on the ground. Wales is notorious for their high levels of rainfall. They don't usually get snow, but then again they don't usually get a lot of sunshine either. Yet there's been nothing but blue skies for the last two weeks.

Meteorologist are calling it "The Beast From The East". Some kind of blizzard that should be coming/here. From the thundering sound of the wind, I am not stepping foot outside today. Which is unfortunate because I was going to go to the grocery store today. Note to self: plan better for future snow storms. Our flat has an enormous sack of potatoes, two bags of pasta, mounds of rice and loads of salt, so if worse comes to worse we'll be okay.

In other news, the past two weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm learning to understand how I feel, why I feel that way, and what I can do about it. Things keep changing and I keep taking deep breaths and adjusting.

The past two weeks in a nutshell; I've visited Bath, England, marveled at Black Panther, discovered more beauty in this small town, trudged through cow poop, chased sheep, explored Rhossili, Gower had a lot of plans canceled, watched too many Netflix movies, eaten amazing Korean BBQ, completed high ropes courses, learned to shoot a bow and arrow, and rocked climb until my fingers went numb.

I live among the hills. Gaze upon breathtaking skies, watch as awe striking sunsets slide behind hill tops. I walk between beautiful homes radiating colors and smile at strangers. It's magical to be in a place where you're the "odd one out". My American accent starts conversation and my appearance cause the tiniest of heads to turn and stare in wonder. I look in their eyes, offer a smile and a wave. A moment of consideration before the baby's grinning and trying out their hand for waving.

My classmates often ask me why I chose to study here of all places, or if I even had a choice? And quite honestly I don't have a reason ready. I usually answer saying "I'm not sure, I kinda just picked off the list". But as I evaluate my situation each night, it becomes harder and harder for me to believe that I did this myself. This is all just too good for it to be coincidence. All glory to God for preparing every detail before I even applied to this school.

My God knows me intimately. Not just my faults and shortcomings but the desires of my heart. And when I witness such desires come to life before my eyes I beam and still myself to remember that every good and perfect gift comes from Him.

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