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Quick Catch-up.

Greetings all,

I am approaching the middle of the second week of my Easter break. The first week was a blur. A blur of rain, clouds, laziness, food and sleep. Not a super proud week for me but it's better now. I don't remember much but I do remember the day it all turned around. How could I forget? Thursday was the first day I saw the sun in a long time. We had plans to hike Pen y Fan (highest mountain in South Wales) but those got cancelled. Refusing to stay indoors, Alany, Addin and I set out to explore the trails Carmarthen kept hidden. I remember it feeling so good, so good, just being immersed in sun rays. Sunshine-y happiness filled the day, and I felt as though nothing could damper my mood. Progression to a better week began then. Now I'm getting out of bed at a decent time, eating proper amounts of food, running off my anxiety, and spending more time with Jesus.

The next 9 days will be quite an adventure. Alany and I will be taking a Megabus to London very early Thursday morning. I hadn’t planned on seeing London but why not? #wheninWales. Saturday I’m traveling to St. Andrews, Scotland and visiting a sweet, sweet friend. Needless to say I am uber excited for what lies ahead. This will be my first “big girl” trip. Biggest concerns at the moment are; 1). being a target for pickpocketers 2). Losing something important and 3). Mastering public transport>.< So I remind myself of this truth “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9. I am surrounded by God wherever I go and will not let fear control me because He has given me a spirit of power, love and a sound mind; not one of fear.

Praying for good weather, friendly locals, and opportunities to be a light.

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