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Climb On

Friday Night, March 16th

Rock Climbing

Safety is Knot a joke.

We've been climbing for 5 weeks now. Every Friday from 8-10pm we bundle up and head to the Outdoor Society's sessions.

Rock climbing is like a fully interactive puzzle. The holds on the wall are scattered pieces and your body acts as the groves; holding it all together. The most satisfying feeling is discovering the perfect fit.

This is me, a proud belay-er

It's not until you've climbed inches from the top hold and your friends are shouting with support from the ground; hanging off the wall, muscles bulging, that your realize "wow. I am a really heavy person...or just super weak." Then, you can't help but laugh. Which causes you to lose your grip and slip, defeated yet again. But with each strain, and finger gone numb, you build muscle to propel yourself up just a bit higher next time until you've scaled the full course.

Since the first week, I've learned to laugh at my inabilities, push forward when all of my body says "please no", climbed blindfolded, using one leg, 'became the wall' and imitated the skills of the fearless Outdoor Society members. I have really enjoyed seeing my consistency pay off in reaching new heights. Tonight, I learned how to tie the knot that secures the rope to my harness and got more practice belaying friends up the wall (both pictured above). It's not a difficult task, just one that requires all of your focus... don't want to drop anyone. I have come to really enjoy Friday nights climbing in the gym and am super proud of the skills I've gained since starting.

Sunday, March 18th

Lin & George's

I am stilled, watching the flames dance in the furnace. I felt stuck inside myself all afternoon. When people asked if I was alright I told them I was just tired, but I couldn't be sure that was really it. Yes, I felt extremely fatigued but it was more than that. I didn't feel quite like myself.

Lin said fresh air might do me some good. Walking the coast and through the forest in 30 degree weather was not my idea of 'fresh air'. But I went along anyway. Halfway into the walk I felt life inside me spring up. I began to focus less on the parts of my body I could no longer feel and more on the scenery; just as breathtaking as the last walk but in a slightly new way. The greenery had extra radiance against the bleak sky and new flowers had sprouted off the path. The tide seemed miles away, having forgotten whole seashells that crunched beneath our feet. I was fading into a world of my own; listening to the chit-chat of friend's conversations, falling behind and curiously stepping onto paths less traveled.

Back at their home, I curled up on the couch and surrendered to my closing eyelids. It was a nice feeling: being in the midst of people yet experiencing the serenity and solitude of Christ and me.

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