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Grateful Gal in Galés

This morning was bananas (b-a-n-a-n-a-s). No but really I went for a walk at dawn and saw a banana peel on the side of the road. I said to myself, “I wonder if banana peels are as slippery as portrayed on t.v.” There was no one around, so I cautiously placed my foot on the peel. The slightest bit of weight was applied and my body jerked forward, foot flew back and hands stretched out to meet the pavement before my face could. By God's grace I didn't crack my head open. Looking around just to make sure there were no witnesses, I laughed uncontrollably at myself and continued on my way. Hey, experience is a the best way to learn; consider this lesson ingrained.


A few people know that I've been waiting since freshman year to have snowfall on campus. To get the email that classes are cancelled and Uni is closed. I've been waiting to experience snowy adventures with college friends, take those basic pictures in the snow, and have one epic snowball fight. This past January it snowed at UNC Greensboro and I wasn't there to join in on the fun because I was preparing to come to Wales. So that was super sad.

A blizzard was coming to Wales, this could be my chance! But all day the surrounding areas gained feet of snow while Carmarthen had but a light dusting. Alany and I stared out the window noticing the strength of the wind, admiring the beauty of the falling snow but hoping for more to come. Being from Malaysia she hadn't had any snow experience, and I wanted her to know the joy of playing in the snow. However, we went to our rooms that night convinced we wouldn't get any more than this light dust.

Around 11pm I heard girls outside screaming and I'm thinking "could it be?..." I opened my curtain to an awe filling sight; layers of snow covering the empty parking lot and still more falling from the night sky. The excitement inside filled me up and flowed out as I pulled on my boots and flung myself down the stairs and through the seven doors it takes to get out of the building. More and more people joined our fun when they heard the shrieks and screams through the thin walls of their bedrooms. What followed was hours of snowball fights, slips on ice, epic fails, and finding snow in places snow should never be. Wonders discovered right on campus, long walks, frozen ears and beyond content hearts. Every time we tried taking pics our phones shut off due to the below freezing weather. A nice reminder to live in the now. Praise the Lord (PTL) for a weekend I'll never forget.


I’ve been going on plenty of walks lately. At least one a day. Some late night walks to explore, some for venting and clearing our heads. An early morning walk. Hours wandering around the town, and strolls through farms and forest. It’s one of my new favorite things to do.

This weeks cooking experience wasn’t the greatest but i definitely learned from it. Cracked eggs and burnt croutons to say the least.

I booked a flight to Scotland for April to visit a friend I haven't seen in 5 years! Maybe this non-refundable ticket will motivate me to get my assignments done. Let’s hope so.

This month will probably be mini excursions with friends and lots of work. April should have some more exciting content!

Honestly, I don't deserve all the things that've been coming my way. So I'm trying to give God praise as much as possible. Loving the gifts, but Him even more for lavishing love on this undeserving gal. I know I say this over and over again but I gotta give credit where credit is due.

Much Love,


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